
Zile Tso

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Zile Organized Industrial Zone presented a project titled "Zile OIZ Water Infrastructure Improvement and Development Project" within the scope of the "Financial Support Program for the Development of Value-Added Production Infrastructure" carried out by OKA (Middle Black Sea Development Agency). Zile Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Zile District Governorship, and Zile Municipality are the partner organizations that support the project.

The project was evaluated by the Agency and the process started with the contract signed by the Agency and Zile OIZ officials on 14.04.2021. The tender was completed on 11.06.2021 and the work was transferred to the contractor company.

Within the scope of the project, it is planned to complete the following processes in Zile OIZ.

- Renewing the fire hydrants and network system, separating them from the main system and preventing water losses
- Maintenance and repair of the drinking water tank
- Building a retaining wall on the landslide to protect the water tank and power lines.
- Construction of 50 KW Solar Power Plant
- Construction of 50 KVA Drinking Water Transformer Plant
- Maintenance and repair of rain water grids

The project duration is 24 months and the project budget is 985,300 TL.


Preparations for our project titled "I'm Designing and Promoting My Brand" to be submitted to the Central Black Sea Development Agency's 2021 Technical Assistance Program were completed. However, it was delayed because the Agency said it would announce the 2021 Technical Assistance Program in the second half of the year.

With the Agency's announcement of the 2021 Technical Assistance Program on 30.04.2021, the related project was completed and presented to the Agency on 17.06.2021.

During the preliminary evaluations; The Agency requested a revision on the grounds that "The registration, testing and certification fees cannot be covered by the Agency". The project was withdrawn on the grounds that the revision could not be carried out in a short time and the related fees were removed from the budget and a budget was created among the new companies to ensure greater participation.

Necessary revisions related to the project have been completed and the number of participants has been increased, and it will be presented again in the 2021 Technical Assistance Program 5th Term (September-October).

In the first step of the project, BRAND DESIGNS reflecting the trust and quality of the company will be made for the products/services of the companies, corporate identity applications of the designs will be prepared and registration applications will be made to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office following the company's approval.

The second step of the project is the PROMOTION of the prepared BRANDS.

Digitalization has become one of the most important elements of the century we live in. For this reason, in the second step of the project, a series of trainings on "Digital Marketing and Social Media Management" will be given to companies. With this training; businesses are expected to make BRAND PROMOTIONS by giving the right message to the right target audiences with the right steps.

SMEs are Branding, Zile is Growing

Our project named "SMEs Branding, Zile Growing", carried out by our chamber and supported by the Middle Black Sea Development Agency (OKA), was completed on 01.09.2020.
12 SMEs and Zile CCI were determined as the target group in our project.
Project was positioned as Corporate Identity Consultancy and Brand Consultancy.
In the first phase of the project, "Corporate Identity Consultancy" activity was carried out. The demands of the companies were collected, and the demands and expectations of all companies were drawn. Based on these studies, it was decided to work on the brand / logo by continuing the studies. Corporate identity guides were created by processing the works approved by the companies into the corporate identity items requested by the companies.

Then, the second phase of the project, the "Brand Consultancy" process, started and a "Trademark Registration Preliminary Research Report" was prepared for the approved brand studies.
All companies and Zile TSO officials attended the Information Meeting held on 06.08.2020 at the Zile Chamber of Commerce and Industry Meeting Hall. Meetings were held with company officials regarding additional requests and problematic trademark registrations after the meeting and the brands of 3 companies with the possibility of rejection / objection were revised. A second preliminary research report was prepared regarding both the revised brands and brands with additional class demands.
On 14.08.2020; Another training activity was carried out with the support of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. The subject of the online training was determined as "The Effect of Trademark Registration and Registered Trademarks on Consumers' Purchasing Behavior".
In the last week of the project, a third report was prepared for all brands whose trademark and class selections were completed before registration and trademark applications were made.


The overall objective of the project is to activate the potential of our region in the mining sector, to realize the exportation of the marble reserves in the region, thus to contribute to the economy of the region. For this purpose, sector and target market analyzes will be conducted. The sector and target market analyzes will be used as examples and foreign trade education will be given with practical applications.

Marble reserves are quite high in Tokat. According to research, a portion of approximately 40% of the world reserves of marble is located in Turkey. Tokat comes in 5th place after Balıkesir, Afyon, Bilecik and Eskişehir with its natural stone reserve. Turkey's natural stone reserves is estimated as 5 billion 162 million m3. Approximately 1 billion 250 million of this reserve is located in Yeşilırmak and Kelkit Valley.

With the protocol signed on 07.03.2015, "Zile Nursing High School" affiliated to Ankara Bilge University Higher Specialization Hospital was planned to build. While the preparations for the bidding process  are still in progress, the amendment made in the Regulation on Higher Education Institutions added that "vocational high schools can not be taken out of campus areas".  For this reason, it is certain that the planned school can not be done. Going to the revision of the School Project; It has been planned to build an Anatolian High School with 12 classrooms with technological facilities, instead of Sakarya High School which had been in service for many years and now has been idle.
Necessary bureaucratic processes and bidding processes were completed with the revised protocol on 24.10.2016,. It is expected that the ongoing project, which is under the leadership of the Turkish Chambers and Commodity Exchanges and Governors, will be operational during the 2018-2019 education period.
We would like to take this occasion to thank you our Union and Governor once again.
Total Investment Amount: 1 350 000 TL


Hankeri Giray Han Mansion, which is a historical and registered mansion that best reflects the plan type of the Traditional Dwelling Houses, is located on the 175 Island, 1 Parcel numbered Ali Kadi Neighborhood, Turhal Caddesi, 492.25 m2 area, was donated to Zile Municipality on condition that it was restored. Hankeri Giray Han Mansion was leased for 10 years with the protocol signed between Zile Municipality and Zile Chamber of Commerce and Industry in January 2016.

Mansion is owned by Hanker Giray Han from the last Crimean hans coming to Turkey from Stalin's persecution. Hankerı Gıray Han Mansıon is a complete khan mansion with its the water and fountain which is brought to the mansion as a private, guest rooms, khan room, recessed balcony, sweet lime-made oven, granary, syce and kahya chambers.

Zile is a town which member of the Historical Towns Union and has a rich historical texture. There are 3600 traditional Turkish houses in Zile. The neighborhoods where these houses are located are protected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Restoration of these structures is also very important for bringing forward the concrete and cultural heritage Zile has.

In addition, the restoration of this mansion, which has not lost its historical texture, is also very important in terms of transferring these architectural and historical works to future generations.

Various projects have been prepared for this purpose and support has been received from the Ministry of Culture and the Governorship of Tokat. Konak has been serving as Zile Chamber of Commerce and Industry New Building since 16 September 2019.


Chamber/Exchange Name :Zile Chamber Of Commerce And Industry
Project Name :Dezavantajlı Gruplara Yönelik Sosyal İçerme Mali Destek Programı
Project Start Date / Period :24-08-2013 / 12 month
Short Name / Number :Değişen Hayatlar Gelişen Zile / TR83/13/SOSYAL/0050
Partner Institutions :Zile Municipality
Zile Association for Recruiting and Solidarity for Disabled People
Zile Chamber Of Commerce And Industry
Outputs : All the handicapped people in the target group, unemployed women, unemployed or all young people involved in crime were informed about the project.
The aims and activities of the project were presented with 300 throwaway, 200 brochures, 240 banners and 4 billboard advertisements.
23 trainees trained in Gift Making Course; 20 trainees trained in Retail Sales and Store Management Course; 30 trainees trained in entrepreneurship training.
10 trainees from entrepreneurship training courses presented their projects to KOSGEB.
20 trainees in the Retail Sales and Store Management Course were placed in seven businesses registered with Zile CCI and completed their on-the-job training.
60 trainees were given Guidance and Business Consultancy Training.
Provinces of Application :Tokat
Country of Application : Türkiye
Fund Receiving Program : Orta Karadeniz Kalkınma Ajansı
Total Budget : 45875 TL
External resource used : 45875 Tl
Internal resource used : 0 Tl


Chamber/Exchange Name :Zile Chamber Of Commerce And Industry
Project Name :Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Program
Project Start Date / Period :24-08-2012 / 8 month
Partner Institutions :Zile Municipality
Zile Democratic Development Education and Culture Foundation
Zile Dinçerler School of Tourism and Hotel Management
Zile Chamber Of Commerce And Industry
Outputs : Within the scope of the project, a total of 30 young people, including 10% disabled, received various trainings in 8 months period.
Participants completed their internship in Rende, Italy and Prague, Czech Republic.
Participants were given language courses and language skills were increased during the project.
Participants have gained experience of going abroad.
Participant-centered work was carried out at each stage of the project, while the participants' ability to take responsibility and task improved.
When they live in a foreign culture for a month, they destroyed their prejudices and earned a strong communication ability.
Unemployed young people have increased their professional knowledge by working in the field of historic city tourism in Europe.
Participants took part in the tourism sector experience to internships they did in Europe standard. Thus, they found opportunities to see how trade and tourism education they took reached a sectoral size and carried out their work with which techniques.
Vocational training techniques in Europe in the field of tourism have been learned through trainings and have been an important step for our participants to improve themselves.
The importance of Vocational Education was better understood with this project, especially with the local government and civil society projects, the importance of continuous and vocational education at all ages was put forward.
The NGO in the province has submitted projects and participatory experiences to local government and vocational training institutions. Thus, the horizons of the other young people in the region were opened.
Provinces of Application :Tokat
Country of Application : Türkiye
Czech Republic
FFund Receiving Program : AB Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Hibe Programı
Total Budget : 68431 Euro
External resource used : 68431 Euro
Internal resource used : 0 Tl


Zile Churchkhela is a special type of dessert that differs with its unique features. Zile Churchkhela which is very difficult and laborious to make; It is produced entirely in handmade and organic areas, especially in the lower parts of the houses, such as wine-making houses and business houses.

This product, which is very popular in the public, was a special product offered to guests coming to the city or as a gift when leaving the city. Especially in recent years, its reputation has increased significantly.

Zile Chamber of Commerce and Industry has applied the trademark to Turkish Patent Institute for this product. Geographical Indication Certificate is given to this product which is under protection.

The project submitted to KOSGEB Presidency was accepted on 15.08.2017 and it was decided to be supported for 15 months and finalized on 11.09.2018.

During the project;

Corporate identity works for the creation of Zile Churchkhela brand

Preparation of promotional materials related to Zile Churchkhela brand (catalog, brochure, roll-up etc.)

R & D and laboratory studies related to the development of smart packages that increase food safety and extend shelf life

Preparation of inner and outer packaging designs for the product (inner packaging, wooden box etc.)

Preparation of inner and outer packaging designs for the product (inner packaging, wooden box etc.)

Catering distributions to ensure the taste awareness of the product,activities.

For all these activities; A total of 46.298.29 TL was used, 23.640 TL of which was supported by KOSGEB and 22.658.29 TL of room financing.


The project you were applying for in August 2015 was submitted to the Ministry on 01.09.2015 and was rejected on 17.09.2015 with the reason that "the number of firms is not enough and sufficient benefit will not be able to obtained". The project, supported by revised with additional participation, was submitted to the Ministry on 05.11.2015 and decided to support it with the code 15UR-GE061 on 13.11.2015.

The start date of the project 2010/8 (Article 12/4) on the Implementation Procedures and Principles of the Support of the Promotion of International Competitiveness (UR-GE) was stated as "the date of the first activity carried out under the project". In this framework, the first activity "Approval of Needs Analysis" was realized on 08.01.2016.

The actual activities of the 15UR-GE061 Coded UR-GE Project are listed below. Please click on the related activity for details.

Needs Analysis Consulting (http://fficluster.com/aktivite/ihtiyac-analizi-danismanligi.html)

Training for Effective Participation Strategies at International Exhibitions (http://fficluster.com/aktivite/uluslararasi-fuarlara-etkin-katilim-stratejileri.html)

Quality Consulting (http://fficluster.com/aktivite/kalite-danismanligi.html)

Corporate Identity Consulting (http://fficluster.com/aktivite/kurumsal-kimlik-danismanligi.html)

Project Specialist Employment Support (http://fficluster.com/aktivite/proje-uzmani-istihdami.html)

Micro Expression Training (http://fficluster.com/aktivite/mikro-ifadeler-egitimi.html) Click for the promotional video of the project.

Click for project details and associate company information. (http://fficluster.com/)

In general; Within the scope of our UR-GE Project 15UR-GE061, 1552 hours of training / consultancy services were taken and the infrastructure of companies for export and competitiveness was made more suitable. UR-GE Project; Contrary to the fact that many cooperation organizations meet the international expectations, our Chamber and project participants have been used very effectively in the completion of the export-oriented infrastructure. The first two years of the project were mainly focused on training / consultancy activities; international marketing activities were carried out once.

During the project, a total of TL 288.593.80 was spent and TL 216.256.00 of which was taken back as grant support; sales totaled TL 8 million.

Our Union organized "Chambers / Exchanges Project Competition" because of the introduction of the projects, the development of prestige and promote dissemination and exchange of best practices. The competition was organized in eight categories. Zile Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated in the “Foreign Trade” category with “Zile Food and Food Industry Cluster UR-GE Project ”. As a result of the presentations and evaluations, Our Chamber won the first place of Foreign Trade Category. The award was given to Our Chamber’s authorities by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Union President Mr. Rıfat Hisarcıklıoğlu on 02.05.2019

The SME VALLEY PROJECT will be carried out in partnership with the Zile Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Zile Organized Industrial Zone.
Turkey, moving forward with the development goals of 2023, It is possible not with a single study but with a corporate study that is spread over every region of Turkey. One of the most important forces in achieving this goal is SMEs. SMEs, which constitute 99.77 percent of the enterprises in our country, account for 78 percent of total employment, 55 percent of total value added, 65.5 percent of total sales, 50 percent of total investments, 60.1 percent of total exports Of the total loans. These figures clearly show the significant role of SMEs in the Turkish economy.
As the main logic of the project;
•          Integration of existing and new SMEs that increase production and create value added to the manufacturing industry;
•          In order to benefit from all the support and incentives of industrial facilities and to enable smooth and inexpensive access to necessary and sufficient infrastructure facilities, the facilities located outside the industrial zone are taken to Zile Organized Industrial Zone;
•          Strengthen the infrastructure of the Zile Organized Industrial Zone in the region to facilitate private sector investment in the region as a whole;

will be built with intentions and positioned on two main foundations.
First foundation; A 43-acre land in the Zile Organized Industrial Zone will be allocated and a "SME VALLEY" will be constructed here. This area is planned to be a smart workplace with 1000m2 open-1000m2 indoor and 500m2 open-500m2 indoor areas. Heating, ventilation, fire fighting etc. Systems will be made in accordance with intelligent systems, and new business places will be created that have reduced environmental friendliness and energy consumption. Common use areas like raw materials and final product storage areas, temporary storage areas, foyer area, infirmary etc. will be build  for these establishments.
"Green Entrepreneurship", which is becoming increasingly important nowadays; Is a new business model that emphasizes concepts like clean technology, low carbon use, energy efficiency, edible resources, heat saving, eco-innovation and recycling. While all elements of the project are being planned, the green entrepreneurship business model is being applied. Work places are made according to intelligent systems and energy saving structures are a step of the project. But the most important step is the step of laying solar energy panels on the roofs of the workplaces to be built. While the current constructions are being built on this area, an environmentally friendly industrial city is planned on the one hand.
Second foundation; A Business Development Center (BDC), including an Business Incubator , will be established in a central area in the SME VALLEY.
The first mission of BDC will be the active use of the Business Incubator, which we plan to do in BDC.
The Bussiness Incubation is a model created to provide entrepreneurs with resources and support, helping them transform these ideas into commercial value. Firmalara business consulting, ways to start a company, commercialization, etc., besides training in many topics; Reasonably priced office space and secretarial services are provided. For this purpose, 20 workplaces will be constructed.
The second mission of BDC is; To provide training / consultancy services for the needs of these SMEs by carrying out needs analysis, situation and sector evaluations of SMEs belonging to existing clusters and to increase their competencies by giving a new perspective to SMEs.


Tokat is located in the Black Sea Region, specifically in the TR83 Region. The Tokat city has a resident population of 602.662 (2016), which showed an increase by 1.46% relative to last year. Most of its population is occupied with agriculture. Tokat region covers an area of 370.446 square kilometers for agriculture, which uses 37% of the city’s land area. In addition 39% of the city’s land area are for woodland and forests. These areas provide various stocks for food products and beverages industry. Weather conditions are suitable for various products to be grown except citrus fruits. Tokat becomes important for food products manufacturing industry because of its geographical position, cultivated lands, and weather conditions. Tokat also has a capacity to further develop agriculture and food products industry since the city and its 5 districts have a strong economic power. The city and its districts have their own Organized Industrial Sites located in Tokat, Turhal, Niksar, Erbaa and Zile. Moreover Tokat is an active city with its five Commerce and Industry Chambers and two Mercantile Exchanges.
Different institutes (e.g. Middle Black Sea Development Agency) have undertaken SWOT analysis to understand the opportunities and the threats of the city and region. The findings also show that the region’s competiveness depends on agricultural and food products manufacturing industries.
Despite all these potential about agricultural and food products industries there are some hurdles that limit these sectors to be more innovative and so competitive across the nation and abroad. According to needs analysis findings, first, existing firms have problems in production amount and quality due to the difficulties they have in accessing raw material. Second, these firms face problems due to their lack of resources, such as financial, human and managerial. In particular they have limited access to qualified personnel. In addition to human capital problems, they have limited capacity in terms of funding and investing in high tech machines and equipments. Therefore they are not likely to invest in research and development (R&D) on a continuous basis. On the other hand they are not likely to invest in external R&D and external knowledge acquisition due to the limited R&D activities in the region. Third, these firms face problems when their products need to be tested and analyzed before going on the market. According to interviews, firms stated that this creates considerable amount of cost. For example when they have produced organic products they have had a big issue of finding a place that tests the products to see whether it is suitable to be on the market. The same issue can be seen in their package choices. Packing material should be in line with the health and safety rules. Another hurdle limiting this industry to develop is the problems they have in marketing, such as branding. Therefore, these problems lead SMEs in the food products and beverages manufacturing industry to face difficulties in becoming more innovative and competitive.
This centre works in coordination with the Department of Food Engineering and The Faculty of agriculture. The former is active with 1 Professor, 3 Associate Professors, 5 Assistant Professors and 5 Research Fellows. The latter is active with 36 Professors, 9 Associates Professors and 23 Assistant Professors. This capacity becomes very important for the region’s agricultural activities and food products industry. With this project this centre is also planning to provide trainings and workshops in order to increase established and new SMEs business development activities, such as finance, logistic and entrepreneurship.
Overall, this proposed project will enable established and new SMEs to deal with such problems. In other words, SMEs will have a better access to R&D and qualified personnel and thereby this will enhance the innovativeness and competitiveness of the food products and beverages manufacturing industries. New entrepreneurs will be encouraged to operate in this manufacturing industry by undertaking this project. Overall, SMEs in this sector will be more likely to possess internal human capital and to access R&D infrastructure to increase their innovation capacity.


The project was prepared by Zile Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Zile Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, District National Education Directorate and Zile Education Support Association.
Our project aims to train the qualified human power that the SMEs need.  The experience of these issues in an industrial giant, such as Germany, will develop the competencies of the participants positively. The German Vocational Training System is largely based on the coexistence of education and business. For this reason it is often referred to as the "Dual System". Vocational training in Germany is one of the public services carried out in the professional chambers. In this sense, the chambers and the firms they represent are indispensable for the system.
6 people from Zile CCI and the member SMEs of Zile CCI, 7 people from Zile Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, 3 people from the Provincial Directorate of National Education and 4 people from Zile Educational Support Association; Will participate in technical trips and training activities in the Rhine-Westphalia province known as the Industrial Zone of Germany for 2 weeks.
The europass certificate, which gives details of the training and technical trips made and which is internationally valid, will be given to participants.

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